Shore team update 5 - Now for Something Completely Different…

Dear Sponsors, Supporters, Family and Friends,

Many of you would be aware that Tom has a special relationship with Off Center Harbor. For those who don’t know, Off Center Harbor is a subscription site devoted entirely to videos and articles on boat handling, repairs, maintenance, boat building, dream boats and more. Tom has been a keen subscriber to Off Center Harbor since 2015. However, he only began his relationship with them after sending them an email earlier this year. Since then Tom has been in numerous videos that feature on the website including exclusive interviews, a tour of his boat, footage from his time in Peru and his serenaded departure from Lima.

Steve Stone, Tom’s friend from Off Center Harbor, spoke to Tom on the high seas via satellite phone on 1 October. An edited recording of that conversation has recently been made available to OCH subscribers. But wait, there’s more…

Through Steve’s generosity, that recording has now been made available to those on Tom’s email update list. The shore team had a written update ready to go when this interview with Tom superseded it. Fear not, that written update will be modified in the light of recent events and sent out in due course.  The recording speaks for itself. We hope you enjoy listening to Tom from the equatorial Pacific.

Here's a custom link to the full-length "video" of the phone call with Tom. Please click on the link rather than the image below.

Yours sincerely,

The Shore Team

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