Maiwar has Arrived

On this day 75 years ago, Thor Heyerdahl and his crew set off in their raft, Kon-Tiki, from La Punta, Callao, Peru on their world famous journey to French Polynesia. It brings me great joy to know that in a few weeks I will be doing just that. Leaving from the same port, to cross the same stretch of water, travelling at roughly same speed.

Since my last update a month ago, Maiwar has been making her way across the Pacific. I’m excited to announce that she has arrived in Callao, Peru, having just completed her last leg from Cartagena, Columbia. This means I’ll be flying over to Peru in the next couple of weeks, after she has cleared customs. I’m still awaiting permission to import my food into the country. Once this is sorted, hopefully as soon as possible, I’ll be able to purchase a plane ticket.

It’s a good feeling knowing that everything is back on track, and before too long I’ll be fulfilling my dream of rowing away from the Peruvian coast. Next stop Tahiti! I’m now as busy as ever; testing and trying all my communications gear, making new connections in Peru and Australia, last minute shopping and many, many other jobs.

What a steep learning curve it has been to get to this stage, I have thoroughly enjoyed taking it all in my stride. When I look back on the year that was, and the many factors that have shaped the preparation of this journey, I realise that one of the most important factors has nothing to do with me at all. This project has been, and will continue to be, shaped by the kindness of others. It’s only due to the good people in the world that I am where I am today, their selflessness has been both humbling and encouraging.

There’s a growing list of businesses, companies and individuals that have been kind enough to donate materials, products, time or money to helping me realise my dream. These people are not expecting a dollar-figure-return on their investment, instead going out of their way because they want to help. I cannot be more grateful to these people who have seen potential, positivity and drive, and who have decided to offer what they can to make it all happen.

My first sponsor was the local plywood mill. Austral Plywoods have been making the finest quality Hoop Pine plywood for almost 100 years. Their factory is not far from where I live. One day I put on my best clothes after work and stopped in on my way home. I had with me a fancy printout with my aspirations to row across the Pacific Ocean. And that was about all I had, a printout, plans for a boat, and a dream. So, it was a real joy when I received an email saying they would be happy to support my journey. From that day on I have had an interesting and enjoyable time looking for sponsors.

There are also many individuals who were kind enough to make substantial donations towards my journey, in fact the kindness of these individuals has been the biggest source of fuel for this endeavour. Some wish not to be named, so I will thank them personally when the time comes.

Below I’d like to list the businesses that have helped make this dream a reality. Some are bigger supporters than others, they know who they are. What matters is that they have all believed in what I am trying to achieve, and for that I am forever grateful.

We’re getting closer now…Good times ahead!

Yours sincerely,

Tom Robinson

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