Exciting News

In this update I’d like to share with you an exciting development for Tom’s Pacific Journey.

As mentioned previously, the highs and lows of preparing to row an ocean never cease to amaze me. The past month has been no different. It feels like every week I’m faced with a new dilemma as to how this adventure will play out, and how it will be perceived by you, the audience.

I am constantly faced with the question of how much I should be promoting and publicising myself and the journey.

On one hand, I fantasise about rowing back into Brisbane unannounced, tying up to a pontoon in the river, and walking up the road to my family home.

On the other hand, I understand that this journey is of interest to others; people want to follow along and perhaps it’s of benefit to society as a whole if people know about what I am undertaking. It’s also of obvious benefit to me if more people follow the journey. 

In truth, I’m torn between the two, perhaps seeking a happy medium. I strongly dislike the idea of the commercialisation of this journey, and publicity in general. But at the same time, I am, right now, reaping the benefits of the small amount of awareness this project has. 

It is for the above mentioned reasons that I have turned down some media opportunities, and accepted others. I generally give my time to those who will truly understand and appreciate my adventure, and the motives behind it. 

And it is on this note that I would like to announce my partnership with a wonderful website called Off Center Harbor.  


OCH is a subscriber-only, advertisement-free, boating website focusing on high quality videos and articles related to boat building, sailing, rowing, adventure and simple living. Based in Maine, USA, OCH has a large, worldwide following.

Their ethos is one that follows mine closely. It seems only right that our paths have crossed. 

What started as a chance email on my end has now snowballed into what I hope will be a prosperous and lengthy partnership.

I will still be working closely with Abir Tarafdar to shoot footage, but now the editing and production will be done by the team at OCH. This really frees up Abir, and will mean that we have more time to shoot and be creative.

Off Center Harbor’s involvement means that full length videos will be up on their site, while shorter versions will go onto my YouTube channel. 

For those who are interested, I strongly recommend paying the small subscription fee and joining the wonderful community that is Off Center Harbor.

This partnership is a real milestone for me, and the journey. In the past 12 months there have been others who have tried to come on board. Fortunately, none worked out, as now I am brimming with excitement not only for the adventure ahead, but also the possibilities and potential that Off Center Harbor brings to this adventure. 

Good times ahead!

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