Notes from the Log: Day 134

Day 134: 6° 36.6’ S 147° 55.9’ W

Another marvellous day. I didn’t write my log yesterday as I was horizontal by the time it occurred to me to do so, but yesterday was good too. I caught a dorado for the first time in a while. The truth is that I haven’t been putting much effort into fishing, in other words, I’ve been lazy. This time I only took three steaks of one side of the fish. It was perfect as it was just the right amount for tea. It meant that I saved much hassle, mess and time. A real win. Today was very calm and very hot. It was 98° in the cockpit at three in the afternoon. This afternoon the breeze dropped right off and it was the calmest it’s ever been. I did a bit of filming today, and slept at lunch, so I’ve only rowed about five hours, I should get back on the oars after dinner, we’ll see. I saw a ship this afternoon, just a tiny spec on the horizon, I could be mistaken but I’m pretty sure it was a ship. Progress keeps slowing, which means that Penryn has been 20 days away for the past seven days, very funny. I’m not too bothered. Life is sweet and wholesome. I finished reading Walden again today. Amazing. Might start from the beginning again.

Made 23 miles.

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